Wednesday 27 March 2013

Relationship rules according to men

1. His past stays exactly that
Many of us are guilty of hanging on to past relationships. We throw out clothes we have hardly worn and buy handbags we may never use but when it comes to old boyfriends we seem to find it very difficult to let go. It would do us good to adopt the male view when entering into a new relationship. It is the case with most men that their past relationships won’t ruin their future happiness and they are unlikely to commit the ultimate relationship sin that a lot of women do - compare you to his previous partner. So keep your eye firmly on the future as no good can ever come of living in the past.
2. His relationship stays off of Facebook
New-born babies and toddlers with their breakfast over their faces are all acceptable (if slightly tedious) Facebook posts, but continual relationship updates displaying public displays of affection or who won custody of the TV remote last night are simply dull. Take the lead from your man and use Facebook as a vehicle to vent your anger over the banal and irrelevant events in life, like last night’s football results for example.
3. He’ll pay for many things but not everything
Take advantage of his generosity and you could find yourself back on the single’s shelf quicker than you can say “cheque please!” He may refuse your generosity on several occasions but just sometimes he will let you pay for date night. Even if he insists on covering costs, it is the thought that counts and often this is worth much more.
4. He won’t compete against you
Women can be just as competitive as men; particularly with other women. Whether it is career paths or who bags the latest Prada ‘It’ tote first, we all hanker to be better than the next woman and it’s exhausting. If you find that your new partner treats everything as a competition, ditch him immediately. It is important to have aspirations but the right man should only ever want the best for you; not just for himself.
5. He won’t let his relationship affect his friendships
No matter how hard we try, most women end up seeing less of their friends when they get a new man. Your good friends will totally understand but approach this pitfall with caution. Leave it too long between making time for your girlfriends and you could find that they simply stop inviting you out. Take the opportunity to meet up with the girls when it suits you; after all, it is rare that your new date will give up his boy’s nights out.

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Tuesday 26 March 2013

Latest Recipe "Sausage rolls"

Sausage rolls

Lean lamb, diced    450g
Cloves garlic, crushed    30g
Ground black pepper    15g
Ground cumin    10g
Ground corriander    5g
Ground allspice    5g
Ground turmeric    5g
Ground fenugreek    5g
Olive oil    5ml
Sea salt    10g
Puff pastry, ready made    500g
1. Using mortar and pestle, pound the meat with the spices, or combine in a food processor. Bind with olive oil to make a smooth paste and season with salt and pepper.
2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the pastry into long thin rectangles. Place the meat in a sausage shape on one side and fold over to make a roll, or spread some meat in a thin layer, taking it right to the edges, and roll into a spiral.
3. Heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Slice the pastry log into roughly 2.5cm portions and place them on a light oiled baking sheet. Bake them in the oven for about 12 minutes, until golden brown and puffed up. Serve hot.

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Saturday 23 March 2013

Latest Recipes "Halloween Red Candy Apples"

Halloween Red Candy Apples


4  cups granulated sugar 
1  cup butter 
1/4  cup white vinegar 
1/4  cup boiling water
1 tsp. cinnamon
1  teaspoon red food coloring 
10  apples 
10  sticks
Ice water
1. Combine sugar, cinnamon, food coloring, butter, vinegar, boiling water and in large pot.
2. Heat over low heat until sugar dissolves. Increase heat to medium high then boil, without stirring for 10 minutes or until mixture reaches 300* on candy thermometer.
3. Remove from heat, let sit until bubbles subside.
4. Pierce apples with sticks, dip into mixture, swirl to coat, dip into ice water to harden candy coating.
5. Place on lightly buttered pan until set.

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Tears 128K+ MP3 Audio Song 23/03/2013
True Believer 128K+ MP3 Audio Song 23/03/2013
Umbrela Ta 128K+ MP3 Audio Song 23/03/2013
Total Records(11)  Pages: 1

Thursday 21 March 2013

10 Steps to Happiness

Happiness isn’t about leading an obstacle-free life — your life will always have obstacles — instead, it’s about learning how to change what you focus on and how you react to circumstances, regardless of whether they’re good or bad. Happiness is a mental state of well-being that comes from focusing more often on the behaviours, people, and things that will enrich and inspire your positive physical, mental, and emotional growth. Here are 10 steps to begin living a happier life:
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Step One: Exercise.
Yes, you’ve heard it before, but exercise is one small change that yields really big, life-changing benefits. For starters, it is a fantastic energizer, invigorating your mind and body. Exercise improves your sleep, and it’s a natural anti-depressant that will help your attitude and outlook. As time passes, you’ll gain the added bonus of being happier with your physical appearance as well. If working out is already a part of your life, great. If it isn’t, commit to walking just twenty minutes every other day to start out. You don’t have to join a gym, sign up for exhausting classes, and completely reorder your life to reap the benefits of this investment.
Step Two: Take Charge of Your Mind.
If you want your thoughts and attitudes to be positive, you must fill your brain with encouraging ideas. For this reason, you may consider making motivational books and audio recordings part of your daily ritual, too. It sounds incredibly hokey, but listening to a motivational CD during your morning commute or reading motivational messages for fifteen minutes can put you in a positive place all day.
Step Three: Celebrate Success.
Most people tend to focus a lot of mental energy on the things that went wrong rather than the things that went well. Instead of beating yourself up, start celebrating your many successes. Relax about the things that don’t go perfectly, and celebrate everything that does. The cycle of negativity that focuses on failures will keep you from becoming a truly relaxed, content, and happy person.
Step Four: Eliminate Excess Stress.
Stress prevents you from living in and enjoying life. It can also cause negative long-term effects ranging from high blood pressure and insomnia to depression and anxiety. If you can’t eliminate or change a stressor, such as a job you hate but can’t afford to quit, challenge yourself to handle it differently. Decide beforehand how you will react in a more enlightened way when certain stressful situations occur. Having a game plan in place beforehand can reduce your negative reactions to stressors—big time.
Step Five: Live in the Present.
If you’re ruminating on what’s already happened or fretting about what might come to pass, you’re not enjoying the moment. You’re exacerbating your anxiety and unhappiness by choosing to dwell on things you can’t change or control. Forgive others (and yourself) for any wrongs you might be holding on to and stop dreading the future. Over time, you’ll start to live the adventurous, wonderful life in the present you were always meant to.
Step Six: Hang Around Positive People.
We influence and are influenced by the people we hang around. Gradually, you need to gravitate more toward the ‘Positives’ and distance yourself from the ‘Negatives.’ This might mean calling a positive friend and asking to meet up for coffee or a beer, or walking away from the water cooler when your co-workers begin to gripe and complain. Negative people will inevitably pass their unhealthy attitudes on to you.
Step Seven: Strengthen Close Relationships.
It’s always worth putting work into improving close relationships because the quality of the relationships you have with the people you are the closest to can make or break the quality of your life. Loving, supportive relationships will improve your outlook and well-being. Address any unresolved grievances and apologize for the things you may regret. Most of all, put more work into the relationship with your significant other than you do into anything else: This can make such a great difference in your emotional health, your stress levels, and your overall happiness.
Step Eight: Be Friendly.
Extending simple human kindness to other people can make a huge difference in their lives…and in yours. Everyone on Earth is carrying some sort of burden. You can’t make their pain, stress, or grief just magically disappear but you can make others feel just a little bit lighter and happier on their journey, even if only for five seconds. When you make friendliness a habit, you’ll attract kindness and smiles in return, and you’ll feel great about yourself for making a positive difference in the world!
Step Nine: Give Back.
It’s true: It really is better to give than to receive. Giving doesn’t have to involve money, either; your time, talents, and compassion are just as valuable as cash, if not more so. We’re all busy—but as often as you can, make the effort to do something nice to help another person or organization. Whether you’re giving time, energy, money, or encouragement, being generous will build up your self-esteem, broaden your perspective, keep you anchored in reality, and connect you to your blessings.
Step Ten: Be Grateful.
Yes, living with an 'attitude of gratitude' is a clichéd concept. But across the board, grateful people are happier and healthier; yes, studies have actually shown that thankful individuals are healthier too! It’s extremely important to be aware of all of your blessings, and to honour and thank those whom you owe for them. The humility that comes from knowing you owe so much to so many others may, in turn, spur you to give back more often to those less fortunate than yourself.

Latest Recipe "Turkey Marination"

Turkey Marination

1 1/2  cups kosher salt (do not use regular salt) 
1 1/2  cups brown sugar 
3  teaspoons peppercorns 
2  oranges, quartered 
3  teaspoons dried thyme 
3  teaspoons dried basil 
1 1/2  gallons water
whole turkey
1. Combine all ingredients in a LARGE stock pot, bring mixture to a boil, lower heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Allow to cool completely.
2.Rinse turkey under cook running water, inside and out (remove giblets from cavity). Pat turkey dry with paper towels, then immerse turkey in cooled stock. 3.Turkey should be completely submerged in liquid. 
4.Cover the pot and refrigerate for 8-10 hours or up to 24 hours. Remove turkey, rinse, pat dry and roast as usual. 


Kim Kardashian to take over hospital floor for birth

Kim Kardashian will take over an entire hospital floor for her birth.
The 32-year-old reality star is expecting her first child with boyfriend Kanye West in July and she wants her baby's first moments to be 'idyllic', so she has booked a whole floor to herself at her chosen facility for when she goes into labour.
An insider told the Daily Star newspaper: 'Kim's taking the preparations for childbirth very seriously. She wants everything to be perfect and, luckily for her, money is no object.
'Kim's been reading about how monumental the first few moments of a baby's life are and wants her child's entry to the world to be idyllic.
'They've booked an entire floor at their chosen hospital and her room will be totally sound-proofed before the delivery.'
The raven-haired beauty will also create a relaxing ambience with blue, green and purple lighting, in addition to calming music, to help keep her calm.
The source added: 'She wants all outside influences and noise of traffic muted.
'Kim's read that mood lighting and atmosphere are important, so she plans to reflect the sounds of nature with a trickling water and soothing wind CD.'
Kim is not the first star to want complete privacy when they give birth.
Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z - who is friends with Kanye - rented an entire floor at New York's Lenox Hill Hospital when the singer delivered their daughter Blue Ivy last January to keep away prying eyes.

18 ways to flirt without being slutty

Provided By myjoyonline
Want to know how to flirt without coming off as too desperate or over-the-top? Read on for flirting advice that's sure to get you noticed while keeping you a lady
Read More:
How to decipher her flirting signals
Compliment him
A woman complimenting a man on something she finds attractive is super sexy without being too suggestive -- as long as she focuses on his PG attributes.
“Complimenting a guy is a great way to flirt without giving up your power,” says Carole Lieberman, M.D., psychiatrist and author of Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets. “When you give a compliment, it shows that you feel self-confident enough to make someone else feel good. This not only makes the guy feel less threatened by you, but your apparent self-confidence also makes you more attractive.”
It’s easy, effective and any girl can do it!
“Smiling is the easiest way to flirt,” says Lieberman. “It’s guaranteed to make you look a lot prettier, and you don’t have to prepare for it first. Another advantage to a smile is that it’s non-committal. You could be flirting with him, or you could be remembering something funny that someone said to you earlier in the day. So you don’t have to be embarrassed if he doesn’t flirt back.”
Give him openers for conversation
Make it easy for him to talk to you by having a few topics in mind that will get the conversation bubbling. You can talk about the venue where you’re at, the drink you’re enjoying -- just about anything that he could potentially chime in on.
“A lot of guys get stuck figuring out how to start a conversation without seeming dorky or too smitten,” says Lieberman. “So, if you give him an opening, he’ll feel less on the spot and appreciate the encouragement.”
Touch him
A tap on the arm to reinforce your point will do the trick. (Save his inner thigh for after you’ve gotten to know him.)
“Flirtatious touching is a great indicator that you are into someone,” says Sadie Allison, M.D., founder of and bestselling author of Tickle His Pickle -- Your Hands-On Guide to Penis-Pleasing. “But keep it clean so he doesn’t get the wrong idea of your light affection.
Touching the arm, hair or face is ok. A brush on his chest might be ok too -- just stay above the belly!”
Make eye contact -- then look away
“Making eye contact and holding it just a few seconds longer than a casual glance causes him to take notice of you and start to wonder what you may have meant by that,” says Lieberman. “It’s the cool ‘silent flirt’ that can make him want to know more.”
No need to wink or lick your lips (ew!). A simple glance will do.
Be expressive
Catch his eye by being the type of woman who isn’t afraid to get up and dance or stay seated and express her opinions.
“Showing a man that you are bold in your feelings about life can capture his attention and make him want to get to know you,” says Lieberman. “Men don’t like women who are boring, insipid or lethargic. Express yourself and he’ll want to engage with you.”
Flip your hair
“If you’re not too obvious about it, flipping your hair is a classic sign that you’re being flirtatious,” says Lieberman. “It worked in 6th grade and it will still work for you as a grown woman.”
Men find the feminine aspects of your appearance irresistible and there’s nothing like the tried-and-true toss of your mane to pique his interest.
Make fun of him
Another thing to borrow from the 6th grade? Be a little mean. Men love to be teased -- just be sure that your try at humor doesn’t come off as rude.
“A well-placed barb that deflates his puffery can be effective,” says Lieberman. “But, you need to be able to walk the fine line between showing him that you’re clever and not intimidated, without hurting his feelings. Men like an intellectual challenge, but remember they have sensitive egos that bristle at too much sarcasm.”
Be an actual lady
Contrary to what you might think, you don’t need to be “one of the guys” -- in fact, be just the opposite!
“While it’s great to have a ‘tomboy’ up your sleeve for the fun sporty things you may do with him later, when you’re new and just in the flirting phase, keep it sweet and simple,” says Dr. Allison. “Men are attracted to the feminine qualities of a woman, and will take you more seriously as a potential mate when you exhibit that. Plus, it will show him you’ll know how to act appropriately when you meet his mom!”
Ask him questions
“Asking questions shows you’re interested in knowing him better,” says Allison. “Commenting on what he tells you is even better, and shows you’re really listening to what he’s saying. Keep the questions lighthearted and general. Find out about who he is and what he likes. Do not ask questions about sex -- it may give the wrong impression and the conversation could go downhill fast.”
Suggest hanging out
A flirty way to ask for a date without really asking is to suggest doing something related to a topic you’ve just discussed. Like, if he says he just went skiing tell him you’re interested in learning how.
“Lots of people talk but many don’t listen,” says Fulbright. “He’ll appreciate that you really do process what he says and that it’s important enough to remember.”
Bring up something from the news
Okay. Don’t be a current events geek or Bachelorette-loony about this but ask for his opinion on something in the “news” or in pop culture that he couldn’t have missed unless he lived under a rock.
“This shows you care about what he thinks,” says Allison. “It’s a great way to flirt and gives him an opportunity to enjoy being around you. Acknowledge his thoughts, even if you don’t agree. And be sure not to barge in with your own opinion, derailing his. Keep the conversation mutually respective. Stay away from slutty by not talking about sex -- at all.”
Be open
When you have inviting body language -- appearing warm and friendly -- he’ll find you much more approachable.
“Open body language is inviting and sends the right message so he knows you’re into him,” says Allison. “Subtle openness like loose arms (never fold them), lots of eye-contact, smiles and giggles to his comments are all good. Just don’t take it too far, like leaning in showing cleavage, or not sitting like a lady.”
Be wanted
Use your powers of attraction to grab the attention of other men in the room. No -- don’t make out with them. Just make sure he realizes other men notice you, too.
“Being wanted by other men is a healthy addition to your overall flirt effect,” says Allison. “When you carry yourself well, hold your head high with self-confidence and security, it's very attractive to men. Add a hot outfit that’s well put together to the mix and there’ll be no stopping you! Just don’t be surprised when you notice eyes scanning you from across the room. When a man observes other men interested in his hot date, it reassures him he’s got a good catch. He’ll feel proud and he’ll want you even more.”
Dance with him
“Dancing is very sensual in nature, allowing you to give hints of what’s to come and express how much you want him without throwing yourself at him,” says Yvonne K. Fulbright, Ph.D., author of Sultry Sex Talk to Seduce Any Lover. “He can also feel physically close to you, in a way that will have him wanting more.”
But no humpty dance please.
Mimic his movements
When you mirror the movements of someone you’re interested in it sends the signal that you’re on the same wavelength. For starters, try subtle moves like sitting in the same position that he’s in.
“This is the ultimate flattery,” says Fulbright. “And so much of the processing happens on a subconscious level, making us like people who mirror us more.”
Ask him for help
There’s no better way to make a man feel wanted than to ask for his help with something -- even if you know you could do it yourself!
“It feels good to be needed and helpful,” says Fulbright. “It’s a great ego stroke and shows that you think highly of him.”
Radiate confidence
“Self-assurance can be such an aphrodisiac when done in a genuine -- not look-at-me -- way,” says Fulbright. “People glow when they feel good about themselves and that’s simply sexy!”

Sunday 17 March 2013

Latest Recipe "Strawberry Pie"

Strawberry Pie

  The things you must get to prepare this strawberry pie are :

For the Crust
2 ½ cups all-purpose flour-- ½ cup shortening-- ½ cup unsalted butter , cold (1 stick)-- 1 teaspoon salt-- 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
1⁄3; cup ice cold water-- 2 tablespoons ice cold water-- 1 tablespoon milk
For the Filling
2 ½ cups fresh rhubarb , cut in 1-inch pieces-- 2 ½ cubs fresh strawberries , hulled and halved-- 1 cup granulated sugar-- ¼ cup cornstarch-- 1 teaspoon salt

1 Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

2 To make crust:.

3 Combine flour, sugar, and salt. With a pastry blender, cut shortening and COLD butter into dry ingredients until mixture resembles pea-sized crumbs. Pour in 1/3 cup of water and continue blending until dough comes together. If it looks dry, add the other two tablespoons of water. Divide dough into two round balls, press flat, cover with plastic wrap, and refreigerate for at least 30 minutes.

4 To make filling:.

5 In a bowl, mix cut rhubarb and strawberries, sugar, cornstarch, and salt. Let sit for 20 minutes so the fruits can absorb the ingredients.

6 To assemble pie:.

7 Remove one half of the dough from refrigerator. Roll it out to about a 10-inch circle as best you can. Use a little flour if dough is too sticky. Work the dough as little as possible. Place the circle into a 9-inch pie dish. Press to the sides and trim off any excess. Remove the other half of your dough from the fridge and repeat. Roll it out to make another circle. With a pizza or pastry cutter, cut pieces of dough 1-inch wide, you'll need 6 of them for a nice lattice top. Pour fruit mixture into prepared pie dish. Alternate strips of dough to create a lattice top. Trim off excess. Brush the top of crust with milk.

8 Bake in oven on 425 for 30 minutes. Lower the temperature to 350 degrees, bake another 25-30 minutes until juices are bubbling and crust is golden brown.

Eat and Enjoy!

20 Things every man wants in bed

Article Provided By myjoyonline
You might think you have sexy down to a science. But do know what real men actually want in a lover? Read on to find out
When it comes to sex, you can get an “A” for effort. Guys want to be with someone who’s actually into sex and not doing it as a favor or just going through the motions.
“There is nothing more seductive than an enthusiastic lover,” says Lou Paget, certified sex educator and author of The Big O: Orgasms: How to Have Them, Give Them, and Keep Them Coming. “That beats out the perfect body or the perfect face anytime. A man wants feedback that a woman is into doing things with him!”
New Tricks
Men want a lover who is willing to try new things from time to time. That doesn’t mean you have to go all 50 Shades of Grey. Just be open to ideas.
“Sexual desire is like an appetite,” says Paget. “We all want to try different flavors -- otherwise we’d get bored eating at the same place all the time. Men want someone who is willing to explore unique feelings and new sensations.”
Worried that whatever you do is suddenly going to become part of your nightly repertoire? Don’t think of it as a can of worms. Most likely the occasional change-up is all he needs.
We normally think of women as the ones who need reassurance about their appearance, but men get insecure, too. A lover who will find something to compliment and worship about her partner will never lack affection from him.
“Every man wants to know they have that special something that turns a woman on,” says Paget. “It could be something that turns her head or something like his intelligence or sense of humor that she finds incredibly sexy.”
It’s not a cliché, ladies. A man wants a woman who will tell him what to do -- at least in the bedroom. Most guys will be thankful for a little instruction, especially if it means they’ll succeed at pleasuring you.
“A woman who can guide you with sounds or one word responses is preferred as it takes away the guess work,” says Paget. “Just remember to avoid acting like a sexual traffic cop!”
Men want someone who will leave the lights on and let him get a good look at her. Stop worrying about covering up any squishy parts.
“Indirect lighting is Hollywood’s best friend and it can be yours as well,” says Paget. “Need I repeat that men are visual creatures and they want to see their partner? It’s a big part of their turn-on factor.”
Confidence is sexier than anything!
Sex on the Brain
A woman who keeps sex in the forefront of her thoughts knows how to inject it into life outside the bedroom -- and that’s sexy. Try sexting him or be extra naughty and playful in public.
“Do it in a discreet way,” say Paget. “Let your partner know that you’re thinking about sex throughout the day. Remember, your brain is your sexual power source.”

Saturday 16 March 2013

Crazy World: Man gets his mother pregnant… yet again

Crazy World: Man gets his mother pregnant… yet again

ZIMBABWE: A man in Zimbabwe has committed the worst crime possible, not once but twice. A resident of a village in Zimbabwe left his mother pregnant with his child for the second time and absconded. The mother also allegedly fled the village, according to reports in the British media.
About four years ago, the mother and son were fined by their village church after the council learnt that the woman was left pregnant by her son. At that time, the woman had miscarried when she was four months pregnant. Now, history has repeated itself.
The villagers were outraged on learning about the incestuous relationship which has been on since 2008. The woman's husband passed away after a long illness.
Now villagers want to hunt and get the duo back to the village and subject them to harsh punishment to send out a signal to the entire community that such incestuous relationships would not be tolerated.
The villagers found out that the mother was pregnant for the second time when the woman stopped going to church. When villagers visited her at home, they found that she was five months pregnant by her own son.
                                      For More News

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Latest Recipe of The Day "Hasselback potatoes"

Hasselback potatoes


4 medium-sized potatoes
2 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
4 tablespoons of olive oil
20 grams of butter, melted
A few strands of saffron
Salt and pepper to season
For the oil:
Heat the olive oil in a pan on medium heat. Add the sliced garlic and saffron then season. Allow to bubble for 2 minutes then turn off the heat and set aside leaving the flavors to come together.
For the potatoes:
Begin by moving your oven rack to the middle and preheating to 190 degrees Celsius. Prepare a large bowl of cold water and set aside. Wash your potatoes well before slicing. One potato at a time, make sure they don't roll over when placed on a flat surface. If they roll, cut a very thin slice lengthwise at the bottom to allow it to remain flat. Begin slicing the potatoes 3 to 4 mm apart never allowing your knife to slice through the potato disconnecting the slices. If necessary, lay down chopsticks or wooden spoons parallel to each other and use them as guides to know where to stop cutting. When you finish one potato, immediately drop it in the reserved bowl of cold water and continue with the rest. This will stop discoloration from occurring and will drain additional starch that may not allow the slices to fan out.
Place the potatoes in a greased shallow baking pan after drying one at a time. Brush the potatoes with the melted butter and 1 tablespoon of olive oil then season with salt and pepper. Cover the dish tightly with foil and bake the potatoes until just tender. This should take 35 minutes. Once tender, remove the foil and bake until tender for 10 more minutes. Turn your grill on after baking and grill for an additional 5 minutes. Once removed from the oven, drizzle with saffron garlic oil and serve.
                                  More Recipes